Monday, April 25, 2011

My Favorite Map!

I found this map while taking the Geography 101 class and I fell in love with it.  I am a huge baseball fan, and for some reason I just really like this map that shows the territories/states of all the major league baseball teams.  To me, this map is pretty much right on with what fan base is like for each team.  I know from living in Iowa, that most people living there like the Chicago Cubs, and list goes on.  I think this map is really cool and has the correct territories for each team.

Foreign Aid to Africa

    I think the United States and other western countries need to continue giving aid to Sub-Saharan Africa, but in a totally different way.  In the article Economic Development about African aid, the author said it perfectly, " Instead of increasing development, aid has created dependence."  What the United States and other western countries are doing is completely wrong on how to help fix some poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa.  They need to help form better industry and infrastructure to places in need, so those countries can thrive.  It will help create more jobs for people, and boost the economy like never before.  
   The used clothing trade has turned into a disaster, and is not helping other textile companies in the the countries.  They cannot run their business without going bankrupt because everyone is buying used cheaper clothes giving away by western countries.  This is not going to help remove poverty, it is just stabilizing it.  The aid given needs to help with industry, and most importantly education.  By educating the population, the people will learn more about poverty, AIDS/HIV, malnutrition, and many other things that will only help them in every way possible.  Yes, what the western countries are doing is very nice, but they need to rethink what kind of aid they are giving to Sub-Saharan Africa.

used clothing being sent to Africa

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Protests in Egypt

CNN- Thousands Protest In Egypt. January 15, 2011.
In January, people across Egypt went to the streets in demonstrations against corruption and failing econmic policies.  These protests rallies were partly inspired by similar protests that happened in Tunisia in Janurary also. There were thousands of people protesting in the capital of Cairo, an alliance of lawyers helped organize these events.  The police in Cairo were calm at first but later the police fired close to a dozen rounds of tear gas on the people protesting, whitnesses said the crowd threw the canisters back at the police.  There was about 200 protesters in the southern city of Aswan, 3,000 protesters in the northern city of Mahallah,  and 2,000 protesters in the eastern city of Ismailiya.  The people that organized this said they hope to capture the regional momentum for political change set by the Tunisians who earlier in the month forced the collapse of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's twenty-threee year rule.  These protesters on January 15 did not get permits by the Egyptian government for the planned protest.  Early Tuesday morning on January 15, more than 90,000 peopl throughout Egypt pledges to participate in the event in a Facebook group called "We Are All Khaled Said," named after an Alexandria activist who was beaten to death by police.  The Facebook group demands raising the minimum wage, sacking the interior minister, creating two term presidential term limits and scrapping existing emergency laws that the group says "resulted in police control" over the people and nation.  Some other human rights groups, such as the Arabic Network for Human Rights, have drawn a comparison between Egypt and Tunisia under Ben Ali, in terms of the level of government corruption and police brutality.  Protesters want Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak out.

Google Earth Image

        The Big Blue
This image really made me think how much of the earth we have not explored yet, and how much ocean there is, especially the Pacific Ocean.  It is the largest ocean in the world as you can see, and is also the deepest ocean in the world.  It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the North to the Southern Ocean in the south.  The Pacific Ocean covers an area of 65.3 MILLION square miles!  It makes up a third of the total surface, and half of the total water surface of the planet.  It is actually larger than all the continents of the world put together.  At the Equator, the Pacific Ocean stretches for a distance of 11,000 miles, which is almost half way around the planet.  This image also shows me how remote Hawaii and the French Polynesia islands are.  To think that people got out there thousands of years ago absolutely amazes me.  I did not realize how big this ocean is and how much of and area it covers.  It also makes me think about how much the human race has not discovered under those waters.


Opium in Afghanistan
It is hard to think that opium plays such a big role in Afghanistan's economy and almost nothing is being done to stop it.  About half of their profits come from making opium and selling it.  Afghanistan is the worlds leading maker of opium.  It makes me sick hearing and seeing little kids smoking opium, and how their parents are showing them how to do it.  It makes you think how are they ever going to fix this problem.  There are little to none places to get help with this drug addiction, and these people live in such harsh areas that it makes it very hard to get to them. 
Another thing that does not help is that the Taliban are the people in control, and it seems like no body can really defeat them, the United States is taking soldiers back home cause they can not help either.  Quite honestly, if the United States can not defeat them or get them to stop, then I do not see any country stopping them in a long time.  It is sad to think how bad the middle of this  country has gotten.  In north Afghanistan it has gotten a lot better because the people stopped making opium and started harvesting wheat.  If the rest of the country could see how bad opium has gotten, I think this country could thrive in the future.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Facebook Facing the Great Firewall

San Francisco Chronicle
The Great Firewall of China has blocked sites such has Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook for years now.  He Xin, a student at Yanshan University in Qinhuangdao recently got past the restrictions and  climbed "the wall".  He said, "Very few of my classmates and friends can climb over the wall, so I can't add them as friends on Facebook yet".  He used one of the virtual private network services that got him to sneak by the censors.  Facebook users in china has doubled in the past month and will double again with in the next six months.  Even with the potential growth, the number of Facebook users in China will be very small compared to the nation's 457 million Internet users, which is the worlds largest.  The United States has the most Facebook users, with almost 150 million, there are 621 million users world wide.  But with the recent use of social networks providing for protests in Egypt, this will not help with breaking down the Great Firewall and getting access to Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter.

Worldmapper - Televisions In Use

This map shows the televisions in use in the entire world.  When I look at this map, the first thing that comes to mind is more developed countries and less developed countries.  Most of the worlds developed countries are in the northern hemisphere.  Those countries have more people with money to spend on things like televisions.  It is sad to think that the world has made all this progress with technology and most of the southern hemisphere does not get to experience or use a television set.  They do not get to see or hear about news and globalization of all sorts of things.  Hopefully there will be a day where there is no more poverty and the words "less developed countries" won't exist.

Child Slavery in South Asia

There are children in South Asia that are kidnapped where they work in factories/workshops.  They do not receive any pay.  The only thing they receive is constant beatings.  A person from the city will come to a village and show great sympathy for the family and their financial problems.  He tells them that he could get a job for their child where he or she would get properly trained, and receive wages.  The parents with out hesitating say yes, thinking they will get their child to escape poverty. The person then gives the parents a piece of paper with a address of an employment agency that does not exist.  The children end up living in sheds and get repeatedly beaten and branded with hot irons.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blog Topic 3 - Watch Where You're Swimming...

We talk a lot about agriculture and the all the different cultures in places like Southeast Asia, but what about the animals.  To think this thing could be swimming underneath you in the water is just a little bit creepy.  It is said to be the largest fresh water fish in the world.  It just shows the different types of animals that live in different places in the world.  You would never see a stingray in the Great Lakes or in any rivers in the United states.  I picked this video because I love animals and this particular one is amazing in size.  Its tail/stinger looked to be twice as long as myself, and to think that it weighs roughly a thousand pounds is incredible.  I would not want to live near these waters.

Austalia Day & Immigration Blog Topic 2

Article URL-

Article:  Move on from Australia Day debate: Wyatt
Ken Wyatt was the first Aborigine elected to the federal House of Representatives and he talked about Australia Day and how the Aborigine people in Australia should move on from what they call "Invasion day", and what others would call it the "First Fleet".  But he also pointed out that many people have moved on especially the younger generation which has embraced it and wants to be apart of Australia.  Wyatt said "Australia Day was about celebrating the coming together of people from different cultures and backgrounds and the quality of life Australians enjoy".
As it says in the book on page 645, the Aborigines dominated the cultural geography of the continent for thousands of years.  They were skilled and adapted to the harsh environment that Europeans avoided.  But then Europeans did arrive in the late 1700's and with the first fleet in 1788.  Aboriginal populations were decimated from it and were moved to the center and northern parts of the continent.  Today, most native peoples live in the same large urban areas that dominate the country's overall population geography.

Article URL -
Article- Migrant makes a home for Hindu community
Siva Selvakulalingam immigrated to Australia from Sri Lanka 25 years ago.  Recently he was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia for his work and services to the Hindu community in South Australia.  He said the greatest achievement of the Hindu Society was creating the Ganesh Temple in 1985.  Hinduism is becoming popular in Australia and there are more people becoming vegatarians, doing meditation and also yoga.  Mr Selvakulalingam will be taking part in the Australia Day Parade as part of the Multicultural South Australi procession.
On page 646 it says that the Australian society has been changed forever by its varied immigrant mix.  Although the country is still largely Chirstain, some of the nation's fastest growing religions are Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism.  And while English is still Australia's national language, more than 2.5 million residents now speak another language.  This is just showing all the different immigrants coming to Australia to share this diverse land.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


- I think this picture is showing how people around the world are now living in the big cities of their country, and moving out of the rural areas.